Pink sunset during Swedish summer

Becoming climate-neutral

There is no doubt that creating products and living the creative dream harms the climate. No matter how carefully materials are sourced or how sustainable the production site is, emissions will be released into the atmosphere.

A barn in the Swedish countryside during sunset

Skyfall with flooding, heatwaves, and severe low temperatures are just a few of the climate changes that we need to face, one day or another. But, with few and slow political initiatives, I find that as an entrepreneur, it's better to act and do something instead of handing over the responsibility to somebody else. 

Compensating for the emissions we produce, mainly through air travel, is becoming more popular thanks to various carbon offset schemes. Simply put, emissions produced by a product or activity are calculated and converted to carbon credits representing a value donated to a mitigating carbon project. It can be through projects like reforestation, clean stoves, and renewable energy. Some projects and donations are efficient enough to not only act carbon-neutral but also carbon positive. 

Photography gift box set from the Snella project

Even though climate compensation is reasonable, it's only the third-best option after avoiding and reducing. This is why I've chosen to only produce limited amounts of each product with a price that reflects local production and the actual value of sustainable workmanship and materials. The prints are also made on demand, with no over-productions as a result. I'm hoping this brings extra weight to the products, making us care about them more, thus using them to a great extent and consuming them consciously. I've chosen to offset the emissions for my produced products and shipping and not offer this as an option at checkout. 

Children walking on wooding bridge in a playground wearing organic clothes from the Snella project

I've found it difficult to calculate how much I need to donate to become climate neutral as a tiny business with a growing product range. My aim is to become certified next year through the organisation Climate Neutral. According to their estimate, the carbon footprint from Snella is 16 tonnes CO2. This needs to be refined, of course, but it is a starting point.

The Snella projects estimated carbon footprints

The projects I've chosen to support are worldwide cleaner & safer stoves projects. The main reason is that it has an immediate effect on both in and outside air pollution. In addition, it improves life quality and safety, especially for women and children, promotes work opportunities for locals, and reduces the demand for firewood that puts a lot of strain on local natural environments. If you would like to know more about the projects and their benefits, please read more here >>>. So far, investments from Snella have saved 11 tonnes of CO2 emissions from being released into the atmosphere. 
Verified emission reductions

A further yet effortless step I've chosen is to use a search engine that uses its profits for reforestation. Donations to the Cleaner & Safer stoves project, shows an immediate reduction of emission, planting trees bind more CO2 over time as they grow and is a great compliment. You can read more about Berlin-based Ecosia here >>>

By ordering from Snella, you support not only female entrepreneurship, but also from a start-up aiming to become climate neutral and supporting organic, fair and sustainable production.

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